, Anthology Sins of Spring 

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I suppose it s okay.
 Sorry, I thought you were Simpson. What s up? Ouch, poor choice of words.
 Ah, you re invited to dinner& tonight?
 Sure, no problem. What time?
 Would you like me to bring anything?
 No. You don t have to.
 A bottle of wine?
 Well& sure.
 What does your mother like?
 And you?
 I ll bring both.
 Adam will be here, too, with his wife and son.
 Your brother is fine with me coming?
 He is now.
 Okay, I ll see you then.
Clive put the phone down beside him. What had happened between them yesterday
had been intense. He d been so shocked by his own reaction that he hadn t really known
what to do. He d never felt like that before, even with Mark. What would have happened if
he d pulled him into his arms again instead of&
Didn t matter. Frost had seemed embarrassed about the whole thing after. Just one of
those things. Best to forget about it, Clive& Damn. It had kept him awake half the night. He d
dreamt that Seth wanted him, really wanted him. That he d heard a knock on the door, and,
when he d opened it, Seth had stood there. Seth hadn t wasted any time. He d walked in,
shut the door, and ordered,  Take off your clothes. I want you. Clive had seen them lying
on the bed together naked, touching each other all over. Seth had straddled his hips and
taken his cock inside him. It had seemed so real that Clive had smelt the sweat, tasted it as it
dripped off Seth s skin and touched his lips. The image had left him breathless and hard.
He d taken his cock in hand and stroked it until he d felt the release in his fist. It had done
little to calm his itch.
He stared out at the lighthouse again. The only vacation his father had ever taken him
and his sister on had been down East. His father had won some money on the horses, and
he d wanted to go home. They d visited estranged aunts and cousins. And nearby the little
town was a lighthouse. There d been a nice man there and he d let them go inside.
Angela had squealed with delight as she d climbed the winding, narrow steps.  Clive!
It s so wonderful. Wouldn t it be nice if we could live here in this lighthouse forever, just the
two of us? She d looked up at him with their mother s blue eyes and taken his hand when
they d reached the top.
Clive had squeezed her small hand in his and nodded. Their father had been happy
seeing his family, and, although he drank, it hadn t mattered because he hadn t been sad or
angry. There had been plenty of food and the people had coddled them and given them
things. They hadn t been hungry and their father had actually been kind to them.
When they d got on the train to go home, Angela had cried. She hadn t wanted to go
home, and neither had Clive. It had taken days to get home, but it had seemed to go by so
fast. Clive hadn t wanted to go home again at all, back to the hunger and pain.
But they had. And it had been worse than before. His father had seemed to forget about
them altogether. Angela had got sick&
Clive swallowed. He missed her still. After she d died, he d been really alone, and he
still felt that way. He stood and tore his gaze away from the lighthouse. He had to make this
deal and get back. He needed that promotion, that salary increase. The cost of everything
was going up all the time. He couldn t be left short of money.
* * * *
 So, what did he say? Gramps asked Seth.
Seth plumped his grandfather s pillow.  He s coming for dinner tonight.
 Adam isn t going to plug him one, is he? Grandfather chuckled.
 No. Seth laughed.  He ll behave.
 What s today, anyway? Isn t it your birthday?
 My birthday is in the winter, Gramps, remember? You always used to take me skating
and then for pizza on my birthday?
 Um, it s Adam s birthday.
 Not yet. Seth placed his hand over his grandfather s for a few minutes.
It was true that the old man was becoming a little forgetful. He even seemed a little
confused sometimes but he was no longer young. It made him sad to think of his grandfather
aging but it was a fact of life. All he could do was make sure he was protected and the town
didn t lose more jobs.
His grandfather was looking at him now. He squeezed Seth s hand.  Son, I was always
proud of you. I never blamed you for wanting something else.
Seth nodded.  But I m your grandson, he reminded him gently.
 Always remember to look underneath, son.
 What are you talking about, Gramps? He smiled.
 Men like that hide most of who they are. They just need someone to really see them.
 Right, okay. Seth went along with him, although he really wasn t sure what he was
referring to.
His mother arrived a little while later. They went out into the hallway to talk.
 He s more confused than I remember, Seth said.
His mother nodded.  He s tired, and the medication doesn t help. Don t look so sad.
She hugged him.  He s getting old.
Seth swallowed.  He thought I was Dad.
 You resemble your father. He was a handsome brute, too. She laughed.
Seth grinned.  Soft soap. What s for dinner?
 You mean, what are we going to serve the enigmatic Mr Roberts? How about roast
 He s not a vegetarian, is he?
 I have no idea. Let s hope not. Look, I ll let you visit Gramps. I m going back to his
office to poke through some stuff. He pecked her cheek.  See you later?
It was lunchtime and Seth stopped in at the diner before going on to the trucking
company. He was eating his burger when William walked in.
When William approached his booth, all Seth could do was invite him to join him.
 How are you doing? William asked, slipping into the seat across from him.
 Great. You? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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