, Eason, Cassandra A Practival Gu 

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don't worry - just "re-light it, showing your persistence and determination to get
the job.)
* Bury it beneath a power tree, such as the oak or ash, if possible on land near to
your chosen place of employment. If you cannot find a tree, bury the ash in a pot
of mint (mint is a powerful energiser).
A Spell For When You Wish To Travel
* Find four dandelion clocks with full, white seedheads, and carry them in a small
neck or waist pouch to the top of a hill.
* Using a compass, find the direction of your chosen destination and, facing it,
North, South, East, West, take me where I love the best - [name the place].
* Spin round nine times deosil, saying:
far from home, may I roam, Far to fly, o'er sea or sky.
* Now open your purse and blow the dandelions clocks, one for each direction,
beginning with your chosen one, saying:
Fly far, fly free, 'cross land and sea, With you I go, Let it be so.
* Finally, run or walk fast down the hill, reciting the name of your chosen
destination as a mantra.
* When you get home, make a step, however small, towards planning your trip.
A Spell For Moving House
Whether you are stuck at the buying or selling stage, this spell can get the
energies moving to conclude the deal. If you are trying to sell your house, use a
door key from your present property, but if you are trying to buy a house, use a
brand new key.
* Find an estate agent's picture of your present house or the one you wish to buy.
On top of it, place four frankincense or fern incense sticks, to represent the
sides of an invisible square. Inside this square, place the key.
* Light the four incense sticks, saying for each:
May the winds of change blow away stagnation.
Seite 174
* Take the incense set in the centre top of the square and pass it three times
deosil round the key and picture, saying:
Thus I remove one wall and, with its power transformed, move forward.
* Plunge the incense stick into a bowl of cold water. The end will harden so that
you can write on paper with it like a pencil. Without thinking, let words form from
your magic pencil, advising the next step you should take to bring closer the house
* Repeat this for the other three sticks until you have written four steps with the
four incense sticks. You will find that the solutions you wrote offer new avenues
that you had not considered.
* Place the key and picture near an open window or door where the air can circulate
round them.
* Each evening, place your key and picture on the table and light a single
frankincense stick to keep the energies moving, wafting it round in three circles
deosil, saying:
May the winds of change blow away stagnation. If you hit another impasse, repeat
the ritual.
A Sea Ritual For The Return Of What Is Lost
This is based on a very old custom; wives of sailors would keep a bottle of sea
water and then tip it back into the waves just before their husbands were due home.
If you cannot go to the shore, use any pond, lake, river or stream. The spell can
be used for finding lost or stolen objects, pets, or even straying partners, though
with the latter you may decide not to bother.
* Go to the seashore just before high tide and, in a bottle, collect some sea
water, saying:
Lady Ocean, Mother Sea, I take of yours, not willingly, but as a token of what I
lack, I ask your help to bring him/her/it back.
* Wait until the tide turns and tip the water back into the sea, saying:
Lady Ocean, Mother Sea, I return what is yours, send mine back to me.
* Cast flowers on the water, sending a silent message to the person you have lost
or whoever now has your missing item, asking for its safe return - if it is right
to be.
[Insert pic p286]
Spell Template
[Insert pic p287]
This guide can be used to help you create spells for every occasion.
It lists all the materials, tools and stages that may be included in a spell but
you will not need to use every item every time - some you will only use for formal
Seite 175
* Choose the subject matter of your spell, bearing in mind the Threefold Law.
* Note down the purpose of the spell and the order in which you intend to work.
Decide whether it will be divided into phases, such as invoking the four elements,
raising and releasing the power (see pages 40-1) or merge into one.
* Plan what you are going to say and write it down. (You may of course let the
words come to you spontaneously.)
* Choose the time for your spell. Check the following influences:
The seasons
The equinoxes
The phase of the Moon
The day of the week
The hour
* Check any time limits (for example, 'May this spell hold sway until the Moon has
ebbed away') and ensure that you can adhere to them.
* Choose the place for your spell. If you are working out of doors, and it is a
spell that will last over several days, bear in mind any possible changes in the
weather. Make sure you have enough room for the circle you intend to cast. Set up
your altar in advance, if you can.
* Choose candles for the altar, to mark the quadrants of the circle and to
represent people. Check they are the right colour. Choose elemental candles.
* Inscribe your candles.
* Anoint your candles.
* Choose your associated symbols that will act as a focus for the spell.
* Choose your elemental tools.
* Choose your herbs. Decide if you are going to empower them before or during the
ceremony and write down the words if necessary. Make any sachets or poppets you
intend to use.
* Choose your oils.
* Choose your incenses.
* Choose your crystals.
* Choose your ritual substances.
* Consecrate the ritual substances.
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