, Fatefully Yours 09 Reckoning 

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get Athena to talk to me, he said quietly.
 Not your fault. I doubt it would change anything. He started to
say more, but a rustling from the trees drew his attention, and he
watched as Ares stepped into view.
They all rose as one, moving across the field to meet the god.
 You re alone? Onyx asked skeptically.
Ares curled his lip, but otherwise didn t answer. He stepped
forward, and it didn t escape Hex s notice that the man favored his
right leg. Odd.
 You belong to me, Ares growled at Hex.
 Not anymore, Hex answered calmly, ushering his men back and
reaching for his dagger.
Ares was fully dressed for a change, his hair tied back, and
daggers strapped to his waist.  I don t want to hurt you.
 It s a little late for that, Echo spat.
Hex groaned, but kept his eyes on Ares.  What do you want?
 All this was for me? Everything that we ve faced was because
you wanted my ass? Hex rolled his eyes and scoffed.  Try again.
Ares didn t say anything, but his eyes lit with a wicked light as
they strayed to Echo.
 Leave him out of this, Hex snarled.  If you want me, you take
me by force. You re not getting anywhere near him.
 She didn t tell you, Ares taunted.  Oh, how amusing.
Hex was on top of Ares before the words were fully out of his
mouth. He got in one good punch before he was thrown backward,
Reckoning 131
and Ares descended on him. They rolled in the grass, fists flying and
connecting with every inch of flesh they could find.
Sending Ares flying over his head, Hex scrambled to his feet and
gripped his dagger. With or without his godlike powers, Ares was still
a soldier and well-trained in battle. Ares gained his feet as well,
pulling his own dagger from its sheath as they slowly circled each
 You were meant for me, Ares yelled.  You were made for me!
 And you abused that gift, Hex shot back.  You never loved me,
and I never loved you. Just let it go.
 I did let it go. Ares stepped closer, his eyes wild with hatred.
 Then I learned of the prophecy, of that little bastard! he screamed,
jabbing his knife toward Echo.  You are mine. How could the gods
give you to another?
 Aww, are you jealous? Hex goaded.  If you can t have me, then
no one else can?
 You are mine! Ares screeched and lunged forward, the sharp
blade of his dagger cutting through Hex s shoulder.
Hex gritted his teeth together to keep from crying out in pain. He
would show no weakness to the fallen god.  I was never yours.
Then they were on each other again, except this time daggers
sliced through the air instead of fists. Hex roared when Ares blade
found its mark, sinking into the soft flesh of his stomach. Pulling the
knife free, he watched the blood drip from it, and the rage consumed
Waving his lovers away when they made to come to his defense,
Hex tackled Ares to the ground with a wild tangle of limbs. The
struggle seemed to last forever before Hex finally gained the upper
hand. Pressing his knee into Ares stomach, he stared into the eyes of
his tormentor and lifted the god s own dagger over his head.
Before he could plunge it through the man s heart, loud barking
had him jerking his head around just in time to see two coyotes fly
132 Gabrielle Evans
through the air. They caught him in the chest, barreling him over so
that he landed on the ground with a bone-jarring impact.
Getting to his feet almost wasn t worth the pain and effort, but he
eventually managed it when Eyce and Myst rushed to his side to lend
their support. His mates gathered around him, forming a united front.
 This is over, Fiero said firmly.  You ve proven your point, Hex.
Too tired and in too much pain to argue, Hex simply dipped his
head.  Friends of yours? he asked Ares, motioning toward the
growling coyotes on either side of him. It pissed him off to think that
men he d considered friends would betray him.
Ares looked confused, though, as he stared at the animals.  I don t
know them, he admitted.
Seconds later, two men knelt on the ground where the coyotes had
been, completely nude and still snarling.
 Jason? Echo asked in surprise.  Oliver?
Hex recognized them as well and felt hurt replace his anger.
Jason stopped snarling and shook his head sadly.  I m sorry, Hex.
I know you have beef with him, but&  He glanced over at Oliver
Oliver dipped his head and looked up at Hex.  He s our mate.
 What? Ares gasped.  No!
Hex started laughing. It quickly turned into a groan of pain, but
the entire situation was fucking priceless.  You re mortal, aren t
you? Then he started laughing again. The limping, the hand-to-hand
combat, even his less than spectacular entrance Ares mortality
explained everything.
 You re bleeding, Oliver whispered, reaching for Ares.
Ares jerked away.  I am not your mate. Don t touch me.
 You have your work cut out for you, Echo said.  I don t envy
you at all. Are you sure you re up for this? His tone implied that he
really hoped they weren t so he could rip the former god apart.
Reckoning 133
 We have no choice, Jason responded, his eyes never leaving
Ares.  He s our mate. We couldn t deny him if we wanted.
 I am not your fucking mate! Ares screamed.
 Do you want me to put him to sleep? Syx offered.
Jason nodded reluctantly.  It might be best until we can get him
Syx stepped forward, and Ares had fear in his eyes for the first
time since arriving.  Stay away from me.
 Oh, it does suck to be human, doesn t it? Syx chuckled and
crouched down in front of Ares.
Ares closed his eyes tight, but Syx just slapped him in the jaw.
Ares eyelids popped open, and a snarl fell from his mouth. It cut off
quickly when he met Syx s eyes, though. In the next heartbeat, Ares
eyes rolled back in his head, and he slumped to the ground
unconscious. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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