, Anna Marie May Love for Hire [Dreamspinner MM] (pdf) 

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getting there, and while he had told them he was nursing a
broken heart, he hadn t told them why.
 Is he the guy who broke your heart? she asked out of
the blue, and Jayden nodded, an idea taking root.
There was no point in lying; he wasn t very good at it,
and he would only end up caught anyway. But it wasn t
really lying if he simply omitted some bits here and there,
 Yes, he admitted, lowering his eyes for a moment
before he continued,  I was the other man for a while& .
When Carrie s expression turned furious, he quickly
added,  I didn t know at the time. Her expression softened a
bit.  Turns out he broke up with his boyfriend and he wants
to take me on a holiday so we can get to know each other
Carrie s eyes narrowed and her spine straightened.
 Can t he just take you on a date? she asked in an
incredulous voice, and Jayden had to admit that if he hadn t
known Matt never did anything halfway, then yes, he would
have probably been wondering the very same thing.
Love for Hire | Anna Marie May
 I would like to give it a try, he said softly.  Money isn t
an issue for him, and he offered to help you out while I m
Carrie pursed her lips; her eyes narrowed even further,
to the point that Jayden wondered if she was still able to see
him.  I don t need his money, she spat out, and it was then
that Jayden realized it was a matter of pride for Carrie.
Maybe rejecting the money was not a smart thing to do, but
he could totally relate to it.
Still, he wasn t going to be able to go away if he didn t
know Carrie was covered.
 What if he paid someone to fill in for me while I m
Carrie opened her mouth to object, but Jayden didn t let
her get a word in; he continued in a hurry,  Please. He
wasn t above pleading with her if it meant she was going to
be taken care of, leaving him with a clear conscience at the
same time.  I would feel better if I didn t have to worry about
you alone here while I am gone.
Carrie deflated a bit, and while it was clear she still
didn t like it, in the end she nodded in defeat.  All right. I
don t like it, but I ll do it for you.
 Thank you, Jayden said, quickly planting a soft kiss
on her cheek. When he pulled away, he caught her looking at
him fondly, which made him smile some more.
 I ll go pack a few things, then, he said, smiling at her
while he ran out of the room.
On the way back downstairs, he ran into Mike, who had
to wrap him up in a hug to keep them both from toppling
down the stairs. Or maybe Mike would ve hugged him
anyway, because the guy seemed to like being all over
Love for Hire | Anna Marie May
everyone. There wasn t anything sexual about it; he simply
seemed to thrive on body contact like some sort of hug
Such a stupid thought had him almost laughing out
loud, but by the time he had untangled himself from Mike,
the urge had passed.
Mike wasn t smiling; his usual cheery nature was
notably absent. His dark eyes held unspoken questions. The
uncharacteristically serious expression on his friend s face
threw Jayden for a loop.
 Is the guy you re running away with the same guy who
hurt you before? Mike asked.
 I don t know what you re talking about, Jayden
deflected, but Mike shook his head, serious brown eyes
holding him in place.
 You ve got a scar right there, Mike said, pointing
toward where Jayden had gotten stabbed,  and I ve seen you
jump at loud noises. And then there are you nightmares& .
 How do you know?
Mike smiled ruefully at him.  I might come off as flighty,
but I ve got eyes in my head. You don t want to talk about it,
he continued.  I can respect that, but I want you to know I m
here for you should you ever need my help.
Jayden blinked, unsure what to do with such a heartfelt
speech, even though it warmed him to know Mike really
cared about him.  Thanks, he settled on saying, smiling
sweetly at the man.
 And if he hurts you again& , Mike threatened, letting
his voice trail off at the end, leaving Jayden to fill in the
Love for Hire | Anna Marie May
He had heard the speech often enough in movies where
the good friend threatened the new boyfriend, but he never
thought he would ever have someone in his life who would
look out for him that way.
It meant a lot, even though he couldn t really put his
feelings into words. So he reached out and patted Mike on
the shoulder to convey the sentiment.
The man must have understood, because he finally
stepped aside.  Have fun! he shouted, and when Jayden
took a quick look back over his shoulder, he caught Mike
wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at him.
That was more like the Mike he had come to know, so
he grinned, flipping him off before hurrying outside to his
waiting lover.
Love for Hire | Anna Marie May
Chapter Eight
TAKE care. We ll miss you.
Carrie s words were echoing in Jayden s mind as he
bounced outside toward the limo and his boyfriend.
He smiled weakly at Matt as he slid into the seat next to
him, and he had barely sat down when the engine started.
Obviously, Matt wasn t going to take any chances on him
maybe changing his mind, but Jayden wasn t the type of
person who didn t honor his commitments.
This didn t mean that he wasn t afraid. The blood was
pumping in his veins so quickly he could practically hear an
ocean roaring inside his ears, but being slightly intimidated
wasn t going to make him throw in the towel. He had come
this far; he was going to see it through.
Common sense was urging him to be cautious, to tread
lightly here, but if he had never dared to put himself out
there, then he would still be living at home with his abusive
father. No, some risks, despite his fear, were worth being
 A penny for your thoughts. Matt leaned in, surprising
Jayden by kissing him sweetly on the nose.
His nose twitched from the unexpected gesture, and he
couldn t resist raising a finger, gently touching the spot
where Matt s lips had been moments before.  Just wondering
where we re going, is all, he said lazily, but something in
Matt s blue eyes told him the man wasn t fooled.
Love for Hire | Anna Marie May
 I ve got a beach house not too far from here, Matt
answered.  Just sit back and relax. We should be there in
under two hours.
 The beach? Jayden said faintly, barely contained
excitement flickering over his face. He had never been to the
beach and had always wanted to go there and to see the sea,
and, well, to say he was happy and excited now that it was
really going to happen would have been an understatement.
 You ll like it, Matt went on.  It s in a quiet and
secluded space, so we re going to have all the privacy we
 Sounds great, Jayden said enthusiastically, a bright
smile on his handsome face.
He sent Matt a quick glance when the man reached out
for his hand, entwining their fingers, and his only response
was to shift closer, pressing his body against him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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