, Ashley Shay [Menage Everlasting 21] Sinful Pleasures (pdf) 

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 I don t know how you thought of this, Morgan said in
admiration.  It s kind of obvious when you think about it, but it
wouldn t have crossed my mind.
Bishop opened the laptop and punched a couple of keys.  That s
where most people go wrong, Morgan. They overlook what s right in
front of their faces. It s human nature to make things harder than they
have to be.
A video feed of the parking lot began playing on the screen. Jude
realized Bishop stopped the Mercedes in approximately the same spot
the green Suburban had parked while the driver made a phone call. A
few minutes later, another car pulled up beside the Suburban and
rolled down the window.
Jude gave an audible gasp, unable to believe her eyes.
 Do you recognize the car? All three men asked in unison.
 That s my ex-mother-in-law.
 You re kidding, right? Dallas asked.
 No. That s Genevieve Wheeler. Jude leaned closer to the
screen, watching in shocked fascination as Genevieve handed a fat
white envelope to the man in the Suburban.  She s paying him off for
trying to kill us.
 Looks that way, Bishop agreed.  But why would she want you
 She thinks I m standing in the way of her son s political career.
She wants me out of sight and out of mind.
Bishop nodded.  I ll take care of it in the morning.
122 Ashley Shay
 What are you going to do? Jude asked.  We should call the
cops. Let them handle this.
Bishop slowly took the glasses off his face, staring at Jude until
she thought her heart would explode from the tension.  You call the
cops and this old bitch will fight back. She ll pull in every favor she s
ever been owed. Trust me, her society friends are going to back her all
the way. You re going to be portrayed as a bitter ex-wife. Who do you
think is going to win in this situation?
 So what are you going to do? I don t want you to hurt her.
 Oh, shit, give me a fucking break, Bishop exploded.  What the
hell do you think I m going to do? Break her legs?
 I don t know what you re planning to do, Jude retorted hotly.
 That s why I m asking.
A muscle in Bishop s jaw twitched.  I m going to show her a
copy of this video and tell her that if anything happens to you,
anything at all, this video will find its way to the police and she will
be charged with attempted murder. Is that satisfactory to you, your
Jude felt more than a little guilty for judging him so harshly. After
all, he was only trying to help and she hadn t thanked him yet. In fact,
all she had done so far was hassle the man. She decided it might be
time for a truce, so she thanked him in the best way she could think
of by giving him a little insight into her sister.
 Trace likes death-by-chocolate ice cream, and her guilty pleasure
is werewolf movies. They scare her to death, but she can t resist
watching them. You take a pint of chocolate ice cream and a scary
movie when you visit her and you won t be sorry.
Bishop grinned, then he chuckled and started to laugh hard.
 Chocolate ice cream and werewolf movies? Seriously? You re not
setting me up to get slapped, are you?
 White wine doesn t hurt, either, Jude added, giggling a little
herself at Tracey s uniqueness. Her sister had always colored outside
the lines. She would fearlessly face a mugger head-on but go
Sinful Pleasures 123
shrieking under the covers at a phony werewolf with a canned howl.
She worked tirelessly for her favorite charities but flitted from job to
job when she got bored with whatever new occupation she decided to
conquer. Tracey simply danced to a different drummer than Jude.
 Thanks for your help, Bishop, Jude said.  I ve got a wedding to
plan, and it s a little hard to do with a death threat hanging over my
head. I guess I m a little nervous.
Bishop looked back and forth between Morgan and Dallas.
 Which one?
 Both, Jude answered, looking happily at her husbands to be.
 That s right, I forgot about the three-way marriage law being in
effect in Parrish, Bishop said. He studied them before speaking.  I
have to admit, I m intrigued. How are you going to make this work?
 I love them both. Jude surprised herself she could speak so
openly about her unconventional arrangement, especially to a man
like Bishop Taylor.
 And you can live with that? Bishop turned his gaze to the men.
 It s incredible, man. You d have to experience it to understand.
Dallas said.  We fell in love with Jude months ago. How are you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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