, Dale Carnegie The Art of Public Speaking 

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him, and who tho able-bodied is yet content to eat in idleness the bread which others provide.
The existence of women of this type forms one of the most unpleasant and unwholesome features of modern
life. If any one is so dim of vision as to fail to see what a thoroughly unlovely creature such a woman is I wish
they would read Judge Robert Grant's novel "Unleavened Bread," ponder seriously the character of Selma,
and think of the fate that would surely overcome any nation which developed its average and typical woman
along such lines. Unfortunately it would be untrue to say that this type exists only in American novels. That it
also exists in American life is made unpleasantly evident by the statistics as to the dwindling families in some
localities. It is made evident in equally sinister fashion by the census statistics as to divorce, which are fairly
appalling; for easy divorce is now as it ever has been, a bane to any nation, a curse to society, a menace to the
home, an incitement to married unhappiness and to immorality, an evil thing for men and a still more hideous
evil for women. These unpleasant tendencies in our American life are made evident by articles such as those
which I actually read not long ago in a certain paper, where a clergyman was quoted, seemingly with
approval, as expressing the general American attitude when he said that the ambition of any save a very rich
man should be to rear two children only, so as to give his children an opportunity "to taste a few of the good
things of life."
This man, whose profession and calling should have made him a moral teacher, actually set before others the
ideal, not of training children to do their duty, not of sending them forth with stout hearts and ready minds to
win triumphs for themselves and their country, not of allowing them the opportunity, and giving them the
privilege of making their own place in the world, but, forsooth, of keeping the number of children so limited
that they might "taste a few good things!" The way to give a child a fair chance in life is not to bring it up in
luxury, but to see that it has the kind of training that will give it strength of character. Even apart from the
vital question of national life, and regarding only the individual interest of the children themselves, happiness
in the true sense is a hundredfold more apt to come to any given member of a healthy family of
healthy-minded children, well brought up, well educated, but taught that they must shift for themselves, must
win their own way, and by their own exertions make their own positions of usefulness, than it is apt to come
to those whose parents themselves have acted on and have trained their children to act on, the selfish and
sordid theory that the whole end of life is to "taste a few good things."
The intelligence of the remark is on a par with its morality; for the most rudimentary mental process would
have shown the speaker that if the average family in which there are children contained but two children the
nation as a whole would decrease in population so rapidly that in two or three generations it would very
deservedly be on the point of extinction, so that the people who had acted on this base and selfish doctrine
would be giving place to others with braver and more robust ideals. Nor would such a result be in any way
regrettable; for a race that practised such doctrine--that is, a race that practised race suicide--would thereby
conclusively show that it was unfit to exist, and that it had better give place to people who had not forgotten
the primary laws of their being.
To sum up, then, the whole matter is simple enough. If either a race or an individual prefers the pleasure of
more effortless ease, of self-indulgence, to the infinitely deeper, the infinitely higher pleasures that come to
those who know the toil and the weariness, but also the joy, of hard duty well done, why, that race or that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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