, C J Black Illusion of Night (pdf) 

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would be dark soon. A cave served as an entrance to catacombs similar to the ones
beneath the manor. The safe house had been set up. Vanlyn didn t relish looking for it in
the dark.
He had to hide again when a second patrol came by, headed in the same direction.
Vanlyn wondered what was going on. The only things in that direction were the outlaying
farms and the manor. Dane had said they d already searched for him there.
Vanlyn remained beneath the trees and carefully made his way along the forest floor.
The creatures gathered around him, all curious as to why the bad strangers were on their
island. They spoke to him of the taking of the dead beast which Vanlyn assumed was
how they described Dane.
He sent some of them ahead, asking them to see where they held the dead beast and
to bring the information back to him. Vanlyn hated to place them in such peril, but he
realized how they would suffer if the bad strangers weren t expelled from Penryn, and
that is what Vanlyn planned to do.
His mount was speaking softly to him. It sensed something. No, he would go no
farther. Something was there. Age-old power would do him harm.
Vanlyn told him to wait for him here and to run back to the manor if anything
happened that made him feel threatened. Then he moved forward.
He had only gone a few steps when something flashed by to the right like
quicksilver. Vanlyn turned and came face to face with the age-old power.
The wolf sat and stared at Vanlyn with golden-yellow eyes. His mouth slightly open,
his tongue lolled as its barrel sides expanded and contracted with each breath. His silver
fur seemed to shine with its own light as bright as the light of intelligence in his eyes.
Vanlyn moistened suddenly dry lips. Keeping his movements slow and non-
threatening, he knelt before the beast and spoke with a humble respect.
He didn t respond at first. Vanlyn was made aware of wolves nearby his mate and
their pups. There were others as well. Dane had told him about this pack.
We search for you.
Vanlyn had not found them. They had been looking for him. He asked the wolf his
name, and after another hesitation he said, Gray Moon.
The wolves were not pleased. The invaders were on their land and they wanted it
back. Yes, they knew Dane was a prisoner and where he was. It filled Vanlyn with a great
deal of respect for the beast. Vanlyn entreated the wolf to help him. He promised to expel
the ones on the island.
Vanlyn then asked him to look ahead on the road to see if the way was clear. Gray
Moon sent one of the younger wolves in the pack to investigate, and he dashed off. It
seemed only moments before the pup returned. One man comes.
A single rider? This piqued Vanlyn s interest. And maybe this one rider could give
him some additional information. Vanlyn would have to take him prisoner and with him
to the safe house. He didn t like the idea, but he felt there was no choice. Vanlyn asked
Gray Moon to send the pup with him and was mildly shocked when he said pack go.
They returned to the road. Moments later came the pounding of hoofs. A cloud of
dust rose as the single rider bore down on them. Vanlyn stepped out into the road, and the
rider caught sight of him, pulling back on the reins, just as Gray and his pack exploded
out from the trees. The horse screamed in fright, and Vanlyn reached out with his power,
demanding the beast be calm. But instinct took hold, and the horse ignored his
reassurances. The rider was unseated and landed with an unceremonious thump right on
his ass. The horse went careening back down the road.
Stupid prey. If Gray Moon had been human, Vanlyn was certain he d be laughing.
The wolves surrounded the rider, their teeth bared, their hackles raised. As Vanlyn
approached, his heart started to beat rapidly. He realized that he knew this man, or at least
he thought he did.
 Make them go away, please! The rider looked up at him, his violet eyes filled with
panic. Road dust coated his dark hair and the Gan livery he wore. He raised his eyes to
meet Vanlyn s, and for a moment, there was confusion, until the light of recognition
 Dear gods, is it you? Vanlyn?
Vanlyn looked down with all the loathing he could muster, for this man whom he
had once called friend now it seemed was a part of the invasion force. Gone was the
desire to please this man.  Hello, Rasleigh.
 Vanlyn&  He started to rise, but a warning growl from a few of the pups stilled his
 I would suggest you not move.
His smile fading, Rasleigh said,  I see you are upset with me.
 That s a rather mild assessment, Vanlyn said, his words sharp with bitterness.
 What are you doing here, Rasleigh? Did you and Argent make nice?
A brief flash of anger flickered in his eyes then he said,  I am with my Lady Dacien.
I ve not spoken to Argent and have no desire to. I was on my way to the High Manor.
Did you see the patrols before me? They have orders to find you and then burn the manor
down, but I was told that Argent had ordered them to kill you and make it look like an
 Nothing Argent does surprises me anymore.
 My lady gave me leave to try and stop them, but I see you ve handled things well
Rasleigh twisted his head to one side.  Perhaps we should get off this road.
 My thoughts exactly. In fact, you re coming with us. You re going to impart any
and all information you have. Understood?
 Yes. Rasleigh nodded.
 And I d advise you to behave yourself. Vanlyn spoke to Gray and the wolves
retreated but not by much.
 I d never hurt you, Vanlyn, Rasleigh said.  I never really stopped loving you.
Rasleigh s words meant little now.  What we had, if anything, is gone. A memory,
Vanlyn said.  My only wish is to save the one I love and expel my father and brother
from my island.
 That would be Tanderes, Rasleigh said, his voice matter-of-fact.  Then it s true.
You re lovers.
 We are more than that, and it s nobody s damn business. Vanlyn motioned for
Rasleigh to go ahead of him.
 I wasn t meaning to pry, Rasleigh said.  I m sorry I couldn t do anything to 
 Enough. Vanlyn turned on him. The wolves halted, their ire rising, wondering if
Vanlyn meant for them to attack.  I m not in the least bit concerned about that now. It
has nothing to do with our present situation.
 Yes, of course. Rasleigh was quiet after that. Vanlyn knew he should feel badly,
but he didn t. He was too worried about Dane and his people to be concerned with
hurting Rasleigh s feelings.
They made their way back to where Vanlyn had left his mount and, after much
coaxing, convinced him he was safe with the wolves nearby, and they continued on.
Vanlyn was relieved that Rasleigh didn t try to talk to him anymore.
They would have missed the cave entrance if the image wasn t burned into Vanlyn s
mind. It looked like a mere mound of dirt hidden with a dense copse of trees. As they
neared, the wolves halted, their throats filled with low growls.
 Greetings, son of Penryn. Prince Vanlyn Sarn comes as a friend and requests
 Prince Vanlyn? A figure stepped from behind the trees.  Thank all the gods. We
Gods and fiends! Rhys went to draw the sword at his hip.
 Rhys, wait. It s fine! Vanlyn said.  The wolves won t harm you.
 Do they know they re not supposed to harm me? Rhys slid the sword back in. It
was obvious to Vanlyn he was uncomfortable with it. A grin broke out across his face, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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