, Desiree Holt Rodeo Heat (pdf)(1) 

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dinners. And fundraisers. They don t count. Anyway, I want to hear all about this
tempting stud. I hear the date stretched out for more than one night.
Grace gritted her teeth.  He s just a man Melanie introduced me to. That s all. He
was here for the rodeo.
Desiree Holt
 Oh. Grace could almost see the wheels churning in her daughter s brain.  Is he a
sponsor? Or someone with the rodeo association?
 No. He isn t.
 He isn t? Silence, then Bridget squealed.  Ohmigod, he s a competitor! Mom, you
had a date with a cowboy! Ohmigod, I want to hear all about it. Can we have lunch?
No way was she going to put herself in position for her sharp daughter to cross-
examine her. She d give too much away.
 I m having lunch with a client, she said.  And then I ve got a really busy week.
 You re avoiding me. This must be some cowboy.
 Whatever he is, he s gone now, so there s nothing to talk about.
 Gone? Bridget s surprise was obvious.  Gone where?
 To the next rodeo, my darling daughter. End of discussion. Time to hang up.
 You can t hide from me forever, Bridget told her.  I ll get you when you least
expect it.
That s what Grace was afraid of.  Listen, Bridget& 
 Oops. Gotta go. My cell phone s ringing. I ll catch you this week.
Grace hung up feeling decidedly unsettled. Maybe it was a good thing after all that
she was having lunch with Curt. He was just what she needed to get this entire past
week out of her head.
* * * * *
 You are certainly one surly son of a bitch, Clay Morgan said to his friend.
They were sitting on the front porch of the ranch house with second cups of
morning coffee. Clay had been a champion bronc buster until a broken leg finished him.
He d taken his substantial winnings and bought this cattle ranch outside Houston and
seemed to be running a successful operation. It was what had given Ben the idea for
Ben had been at the ranch for a week, resting Hotshot and putting himself back
together. During that time Clay had been doing his damndest to engage Ben in some
kind of conversation without any results. He was having the same dismal luck this
Usually when Ben visited the two men spent afternoons riding out to check the
herd, riding fences with the hands, or just sitting on the porch talking about life and the
good old days. Evenings they d find a good steak house or Mexican restaurant, take
their time over food, then hit a bar and size up the women.
But this time Ben had kept pretty much to himself, refusing all of Clay s offers of
entertainment or activity, instead just sitting on the fence rail watching his horse romp
and play or riding out by himself to find a place away from everyone. Most questions
had received a one-word answer.
Rodeo Heat
Ben knew Clay was right. He was surly. But he couldn t seem to shake himself out
of it.
 Gotta be a woman, Clay mused.  Yup. Nothing but a woman turns a man into a
grizzly bear.
 You think you could just shut up for a while? Ben snapped.
 Oho! Clay grinned.  I m right. And it must be one hell of a woman to put you in
this kind of a mood. What did she do, turn you down?
 No, she didn t. And I said shut up.
Ben could feel Clay s eyes on him, studying him.
 So she didn t turn you down, the man said finally.  That s not the problem, is it?
You did your usual walkaway and now you can t seem to let this one go. Try to tell me
I m wrong.
Ben said nothing, just worked on his coffee.
Clay snapped his fingers.  Got it. She left you before you could run off and you re
pissed. He leaned over to look at Ben.  Or maybe it s a lot more than that. Don t tell
me you actually fell for some broad.
Ben glared at his friend and stood up.
 You better do something about this, buddy boy, Clay called after him.  You ve
got to compete this week and you can t do it unless your head s on straight. Either go
and get her or wipe her out of your mind.
Ben s answer was to slam the door behind him as he walked into the house.
But that afternoon he drove into Houston by himself and spent a fair amount of
time shopping for some very particular things. He spent a long time searching for
exactly what he had in mind. When he finally located what he wanted, he had them
gift-wrapped, then took them to a UPS store and had them packaged and shipped, with
a short note tucked inside.
Now it was out of his control and Clay was right. He needed to concentrate on the
upcoming rodeo.
* * * * *
What the hell am I doing here? I must be losing my mind.
All week long Grace had been closing doors again, shutting herself up in her nice,
neat, well-ordered existence. She ignored Joyce s remarks about her suddenly snippy
personality and deftly avoided her daughter. Shuffling numbers and financial
projections, reading spreadsheets, preparing financial statements all had her marching
to the same old tune. Good, she told herself. This is who I am.
Two lunch dates with Curt Sanderson had turned into a third, for dinner. Tonight
when he d driven her home she d taken a deep breath, deliberately pushed Ben Lowell
out of her mind and invited Curt to come in. There was no mistaking the gleam in his
Desiree Holt
eye, not then and not now. He d been after her for a long, long time and he could see
the door to paradise cracking open for him.
At least paradise as he saw it.
Grace looked at him now lounging on her couch, holding a glass of wine. He d
removed his jacket and tie, tossing them over the arm of a chair and opening the top
two buttons on his dress shirt. Grace noted the exposed skin was smooth and wondered
if he was one of those men with a hairless chest. A picture of Ben s chest flashed into her
brain, with its thick dark curls layered over rock-hard abs.
Stop it!
But instead of Ben, her  young stud , she was facing a man several years older than
she was and, she was sure, on the down side of his sex drive.
Sex isn t everything!
No but it would do until something better came along.
Stop it! she told herself again.
Grace took a healthy swallow of her wine, deliberately banishing the teasing images
from her mind. This was what she wanted. This was what her life should be. Sedate.
Mature. Safe.
 You know, he said, leaning forward, wineglass held loosely in one hand,  I ve
always thought you and I would make a good couple, Grace.
Her stomach knotted and tension raced through her body.
Here it comes.
 Oh? she tried to make her voice casual.  What do you mean? In what way?
 We re both mature people, not looking for adventure in life. Right?
Speak for yourself.
 I suppose, she said, noncommittal. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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