, Vicious Sherri L. King 

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Chapter Ten
Enya awoke the moment John put his mouth on her pussy. His tongue moved
through the seam of her sex like liquid. He spread her open wide and pressed a hard
kiss to her clit.
Enya bucked against him and he laughed wickedly.
He sucked the bud of her clit into his mouth and teased it with the tip of his tongue.
Enya moaned and let her hands catch in his silky hair. He licked her like he would an
ice cream cone, lapping up an entirely different sort of cream. Within seconds she was
so wet that his mouth barely kept up with her.
 Ride my mouth. He whispered the words into her tender, needy flesh.  Let me
know you want it.
He thrust a long, hard finger into her and continued to lick and kiss and nibble his
way up and down her pussy. He lifted her up higher against his face then spread her
bottom and licked her anus. Enya shrieked and convulsed around his finger.
She moved against him, bucked and arched and undulated until she was mindless
with need. He slipped two more fingers into her, stretching her, and she sobbed her
desire, begging him to take her.
 Please take me, John. Fuck me, love me, make me come, she babbled, hardly
knowing what she was saying anymore.
He rose up between her legs, removed his hand from her body and licked her
cream from his fingers. He lifted the head of his cock, laying it at her opening. Then,
with a fierce, hard lunge, he was inside of her.
He thrust quick and hard, over and over, until Enya was crazed with lust. The
headboard of the bed banged against the wall as they raced into the heights of passion.
He stretched her until she burned, and filled her up until she ached.
Sherri L. King
She came with a scream.
When she came back to herself she heard a loud knocking on her door.
 Are you all right, Ms. Merritt? called one of her guards through the door.
Enya burned crimson with embarrassment.  Y-yes, she stammered.  I, uh, stubbed
my toe.
John laughed into the crook of her neck.
 Just call us if you need us, the guard said, his tone stating clearly that he knew
exactly what she d been up to.
 Come on, baby doll, John said, rising and offering her his hand.  Let s take this to
the shower.
* * * * *
Enya eyed John s briefcase warily as he was busy wandering about her kitchen,
finding them something to eat. She reached out and set the combination to 777 and
opened it gently.
The case held Johnny s two enormous handguns, his hat and his coat, all tightly
packed within its confines.
Enya gasped and shut the case again, but seeing these things didn t shock her as
much as she d thought it might.
Minutes later John came and sat next to her on the sofa with two roast beef
sandwiches.  What s wrong baby doll, you look like you ve seen a ghost.
Enya debated over her words carefully before she spoke.  We need to talk about
Johnny Vicious, she said.
John sighed heavily.  I know, he said, and reached out to play with a lock of her
hair.  I don t want to but I know we have to.
 Do you want proof that you re Johnny? she asked, gesturing to the briefcase.
John clenched his jaw.  There s no need. I believe you. I don t understand how this
could be, but I believe you.
Enya reached for one of his hands.  How long have you been like this? she asked.
 About a year, I think. That s when I started having blackouts, losing time. Are you
 I m scared for you, not of you, she said, answering his real question.  But what I
don t understand is how, when you re Johnny, you can move as fast as you do.
 I don t know what you re talking about, he frowned.
 Johnny moves so fast it s like he s not even human. He dodges bullets. He can
walk between raindrops, he s that fast.
 I m perfectly human, I assure you. Fucked up in the head, but still human. At
least he hoped so.
 Can you move that fast now? she asked.
John shook his head.  I m fast enough, I have good reflexes, but I m not as fast as
you say Johnny is. He tried not to think about the one time he d somehow become
aware while in  Johnny mode . It seemed so long ago now anyway, he knew he couldn t
remember everything clearly. Had he moved like Johnny then, before blacking out
again? He wasn t certain anymore.
 Maybe you should go to a doctor, maybe there s a physiological reason for it.
 No. No way am I going to let a doctor tinker around in my head. It s bad enough
that you re doing it. He smiled to soften his words.  Besides, the scientists at Sterling
have already been studying me.
 Maybe Johnny knows what we should do, she said, and reached for the briefcase
again.  Let s ask him.
John shot up off the couch.  No. I can t just bring him out like that. I have no
control over it. I don t even begin to know how to go about it.
Sherri L. King
 I think I know what will bring him out, she said, and set the combination once
more to 777.
When she opened the case, John went white beneath his tan.  How are those in
there? I only keep my papers in there.
 It s a secret compartment Johnny showed me. Haven t you ever wondered why it s
so damned heavy?
 Well yeah, but I didn t give it much thought, he admitted.
Enya took out the crumpled bootlegger s hat, rose from the couch and reached to
put it on John s head.
 What the hell are you doing?
 I m trying something. Don t worry. Everything will be all right.
 I don t like this, Enya.
 I ll be here if you need me. Promise. I won t run away, she said with what she
hoped was a comforting smile.
She set the hat on top of his head and waited.
Nothing happened.
 Nothing s happening, John said.
Enya lifted the hat then brought it down back over his head, hard.  Johnny, are you
in there? she asked, looking into John s eyes as if she would see his alter ego in their
John jerked against her and she gasped.
She watched his face go vacant and slack. His hands hung lifelessly at his side. His
eyes hooded heavily. He was still breathing, that much Enya could see, but he was no
longer there with her. John had left the building.
Slowly, by small degrees, his face filled with life again. He jerked hard and nearly
fell. He blinked once, twice, a third time. And he looked out at her with that debonair,
cocksure flare she d come to expect from Johnny.
The switch had only taken a few minutes.
 Johnny? she asked, to be sure. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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