, James Doohan Flight Engineer Volume 1 The Rising 

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virtual-reality AI in real life . . . if you could call that real. Or life for
that matter.
 How many of them were there?
 I saw five, Peter said.
 Um-hm. Now, this is very important, sir. We intercepted a remark made by one
of the raiders to the effect that a new weapon was being used. Do you have any
knowledge of such?
Peter grinned; he couldn t help it.
 A new weapon? he asked.
 Yes, sir. He said it was, I quote,  wrecking his sensors. 
Peter started to chuckle.
I suppose it was a new weapon in this context.
About thirty thousand years old in another.
 It s not funny, sir. The youngster s face was stern.  If the Merchant
Marine companies have some unknown weapon at their disposal, and they aren t
willing to contribute it to the war effort, it s a serious matter.
 Are you suggesting they d use it against Space Command? Raeder asked
 No, sir, of course not. But they may be withholding it from us, and it
certainly sounds like something Space Command could use. There s a lot of
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bitterness against us from that quarter, Clark said confidentially.
 And if they re withholding vital information like this . . . he leaned
forward,  at the very least it s inappropriate. At worst . . . treason.
Oh, come on! I know paranoia is an occupational requirement for spooks, Peter
thought, but this is ridiculous.
 It was me, Raeder said.  And I used a hammer. Not the most high-
tech equipment you ll run across, I grant you, but effective nonetheless.
 You? Clark said. He looked at Raeder as though he d suddenly started
speaking in tongues.
Peter nodded.
 Would you mind telling me how you accomplished that, sir?
So Raeder did.
 I see, Clark said when Peter finished. He gave the commander a measuring
look.  You drove around on the surface of the raider s ship beating on its
sensor pickups with a hammer. The Intelligence Officer s lips pursed.
Peter could imagine Clark wondering what he was hiding, why he was sympathetic
to the Merchant Marine. What vile plots were being hatched, what faithless
alliances made. Because it was as plain as the snub nose on his bland face
that the lieutenant hadn t believed a word of
Peter s story.
 Thank you, sir, Clark said suddenly. Standing, he gathered the notebook he d
brought with him.  Someone will be along shortly to show you back to the
 We re not quite finished, Lieutenant, Raeder said in a soft, even tone that
implied sit down quite loudly.  I have something to say, for the record.
Though you can bet I ll back it up with a written report.
Merchant Marines have good reason to be bitter toward Space
Command. They re virtually unarmed out there. To the raiders it s like some
kind of game where there s no penalty, just prizes. How many ships have we
lost in the last month to these pirates? he demanded.
 That s classified. Clark snapped, his expression puzzled. It was plain he
couldn t understand why Peter was stating the obvious.
 Without commerce the Commonwealth will evaporate, Raeder said.
 If we re not going to defend what we re fighting for, why bother to have the
war? A stupid question, of course, but he also had a point.
And if you re talking to the dense or distracted, sometimes a stupid question
will get their attention.
 We don t have enough ships, or fuel, Clark said slowly and carefully,  to
provide heavier escort for the convoys. We are literally doing all we can.
 I disagree, Peter said.  We can t send more ships, there you re right.
But we have unused weapons in storage, we have trained gun crews waiting for
assignment. How much antihydrogen would it expend to put those resources
together with the freighters themselves? he asked.  If you send them out
heavily armed and in convoy you may not even need the escorts.
Clark looked like he d been hit by a two-by-four. He nodded slowly.
 You may have a point, he conceded.
Of course I have a point, you donkey.
 Do you really think so? Raeder asked, as though genuinely surprised.
 Yes. It could work.
 I ll leave it in your hands, then.
Like hell.
Peter rose and offered his hand.
The more directions the idea is heard from, the more likely it is to be heard
at all.
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Glory won behind the controls of a Speed was one thing, a victory a man could [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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