, Harper, Tara K Wolfwalker 3 Storm Runner 

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them in early winter, he explained,  they are conserving energy, and you
cannot feel any warmth on their surface. The two children with her, one
girl and one boy, just looked at him, and, uncomfortable under their solemn
eyes, he finally nodded curtly, then moved away.
Moira pulled the two children close. The girl put her arms around the boy,
but flinched away from Moira s icy skin until the woman tucked the
oversized tunic the girl wore more fully between them. She had just
finished doing the same with the little boy when the soft, whuffing breath of
a wolf made her freeze. She caught her breath as the creature wormed up
between the leaves to lie down beside her. Its fur touched her bare skin. She
flinched. Moons above them& Trembling, she curled around the small
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Storm Runner-Wolfwalker 03-Harper, Tara K
chilled bodies in her arms, praying that the wolf would not bite, that the
rasp of its tongue as it tasted her would not be lethal.
Ignoring her response, the wolf snugged up against her back, and she held
herself rigid, tense. There was no growl. No attack. Warily, she leaned
back, pulling the broadleaves over her legs. The warmth that radiated from
the lupine fur was almost hot against her skin. The warmth that seeped from
the winter fuzz of the broadleaves was tiny in comparison. Moons, but she
had almost forgotten what warmth was. She had to force herself to give up
that lick of lupine heat to the children, twisting so that their bodies were
between hers and the wolf s and her back was pressed against the cooler
broadleaves instead. But another Gray One slunk in, pushing itself against
her back. She stiffened for a moment and then she was cocooned. She
caught her breath in a sob. That the Gray Ones the hunters of the raiders
gave them warmth&
Dion dragged in with the last of the elders. For once, she was grateful that
Aranur was taking charge. She nodded to him when he looked around, and,
when all the others but Tomi were bedded down like rabbits in a warren,
she stumbled over to him. Tomi, still dogging her heels, followed her
toward Aranur. The tall man scowled at the youth. When Dion gestured for
the boy to curl up in the leaves, he hesitated, then obeyed. A moment later,
Aranur and Dion dropped to their knees and crawled into the last shelter.
Aranur held the leaves aside for Gray Hishn and Yoshi, so that the two
wolves could worm their way on either side of them. With Yoshi s heat
seeping through his jerkin, he put his arms around Dion, shivered from the
touch of her skin, and held her close.
It was the rustling in the leaves that warned him they were not alone. He
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Storm Runner-Wolfwalker 03-Harper, Tara K
stiffened, but the wolves did not react except to flick their ears, so, when
Tomi cautiously eased one of the giant leaves aside, he was not surprised.
The boy met his eyes and crouched for a moment without moving. Dion
barely stirred. Aranur sighed. When he said nothing, the boy moved into the
opening of their shelter, then shifted so that the enticing warmth of the
wolves was next to his thighs. Finally, hesitantly, he eased between Dion
and Hishn, curling his small body up behind the wolfwalker s legs. Aranur
tried not to grit his teeth. One hour, he said silently. Just one hour alone
with Dion was that too much to ask? He looked at the dark form of the
child. Then he shifted once more so that the leafy shelter closed around
them, cocooning the boy as it did themselves.
Dion barely noticed. Aranur s and Tomi s scents were in the noses of the
wolves. The boy s body was neither cold nor warm next to hers. She
identified him absently, too tired to lift her head to protest. With two
children curled up to each adult, Tomi was the only one without someone to
warm him. It was probably just the loneliness& It did not matter. Dion was
too tired to care. The back of her head pounded steadily, and her stomach
cramped, but those were distant discomforts. When the gray images filtered
in with tiny patches of daylight, she drifted off, knowing she was safe with
Aranur, safe among the wolves. Did the boy know that? Did any of them
understand? They were safe now. They were in Ariye.
But in Bilocctar, late last winter, when the snows of the heights pulled back
from the fields&
Conin stared at the villager.  I am your Lloroi, he repeated.  Have you
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Storm Runner-Wolfwalker 03-Harper, Tara K
nothing to say to me? No opinions? No questions? No complaints? The
middle-aged man continued to stare at his feet, shifting his weight from one
foot to the other, and Conin swore in disgust.
Longear glanced sideways at him.  He is an old soldier who fought in the
resistance what pitiful little there was, she said, bored with Conin s
attempted inquisition. There were faster ways to get information than to ask
as he did. She glanced at her nails, grimacing at the dirt that clung to their
undersides. Another day, and she would be back in town, playing the spy
for the raiders while she sought out the man who had been making her plans
a mess. Soon, she thought, smiling to herself, the resistance fighters would
be identified, caught, and burned a long and slow death, with perhaps a
few nightspider bites thrown in for amusement. The lesson would be a good
one for the rest of these rabbits on the border. She glanced at Conin. He
tried so hard, he did. She almost laughed. He was such a fool.
She tired of the game.  Don t waste any more of my time, she said sharply
to the Lloroi.  The man won t answer. He is hardly more fond of your
Bilocctar breeding than you are yourself.
Conin gave her a wary look. Was she mocking him publicly now? He met
Namina s eyes and saw the frightened warning there. He held onto his
temper with difficulty.  Whether I am fond of my breeding is moot, he
said quietly.  I had little say in the matter. He stared down at the villager.
The man was still watching his feet, gazing in apparent raptness at their
clumsy shapes, and after a moment, Conin wheeled his riding beast away in
frustration. The six-legged dnu broke into a slow trot, and he rode out on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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