, James Axler Deathlands 039 Watersleep 

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Ryan pulled Doc upright, trying to get him to stand on his own two feet, while
J.B. staggered over and wrapped an arm around Doc's waist. The old man's body
continued to thrash and contort as he struggled for survival. "He hasn't gone
limp yet, and that's a good sign," Ryan said as he gripped the edges of the
dying bloodsucker's anterior end that still clung to Doc's face.
He hesitated, not knowing just how tightly the leech had attached itself. The
creature had dozens upon dozens of tiny, needle-sharp teeth, and all of them
were buried in Doc's flesh. Ripping the leech away might save Doc's life but
disfigure him per-manently.
"Do it," J.B. said, sharing Ryan's thoughts. "Bet-ter alive and ugly than dead
and pretty."
Ryan begin to tug, hoping he wasn't going to pull away most of the old man's
face. Unfortunately the leech proved to be annoyingly true to its name. Even
after the beast's death throes, the now slack creature refused to let go.
"No good. I'm going to pull his eyes right out of his head like this," Ryan
"I'll have to cut it off."
He peered intently at the join where the blood-sucker's skin met Doc's and
gave himself a quarter-inch margin for error. The tip of the honed blade of
the panga slid into the bloodsucker, and Ryan pulled the blade down. More of
the creature's red life's fluid poured out, coating his hands and upper arms.
The coppery smell of fresh blood hung in the air like a sodden blanket. Ryan
knew the new color was
Doc's blood, sucked out by the parasitic beast.
He had cut away half of the leech's head when it finally let go, the evil
teeth releasing their hold. The one-eyed man peeled the rest of the sagging
mess of grue back from Doc's pale white face like a gory death mask.
"Thank you!" Doc gasped, sucking in a chestful of air. The dead-fish pallor of
his skin was offset by an almost perfect red ring from chin to forehead where
the attaching teeth of the bloodsucker had bit. He coughed in between gulps of
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"Can you walk?" Ryan asked, glancing at the river water. "We've got to get out
of here before more of these bastard leeches show up."
Doc didn't say anything, but his body did the talk-ing for him as he stepped
forward and headed for shore. J.B. spied the lost boot half floating, half
submerged behind Doc. He snatched it up, pouring out the water that had
collected inside as he and Ryan followed the old man as quickly as they dared.
"THERE IS NO SAFE HAVEN," Doc whispered, all of the fight sucked out of him
along with what Mildred guessed to be over two pints of blood.
"Not true. Safe haven was at the riverbank. You're the one who left it to go
splashing around the water, and look what it got you," Mildred replied as she
cleaned the deep wound on the upper part of his left foot. "This will take a
little longer to heal than your average abrasion, and this rain isn't going to
Page 35
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Bloodsucking leeches produce a chemical called hirudin. It prevents the blood
from thickening and makes it easier for the leech to "
"I get the picture, Dr. Wyeth," Doc said weakly. "Your words and terminology
paint a most disturbing portrait."
"How soon before he can walk?" Ryan asked.
"Now if he wants to. He may look like hell, but there's no real damage to keep
him off his feet. I wouldn't recommend a long march until he's had some sleep
and a chance to build back his blood sup-ply, but he's good for a while. I had
some antiseptic to clean out where the leech attached to his foot and face.
Luckily the teeth on his face didn't go deep. Those marks should fade soon
without any scarring."
Looking at Doc's bandaged foot, Dean held a men-tal picture of the wound
beneath the gauze and sup-pressed the urge to vomit. If he had any say-so in
his lifetime again, the boy knew he would never venture into another swamp.
They were triple-bad luck.
Mildred pulled a dry sock onto Doc's injured foot and over the bandages the
tersleep.html (64 of 275) [12/29/2004 9:10:15 PM]
Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_39_-_Watersleep extra pair had been squir-reled away
by Dean in a pocket. Although too small for
Doc's long feet, the donated hosiery had the ad-vantage of not being sodden.
J.B. assisted Mildred with pulling on Doc's long boots. Using their shoulders
as a brace, the older man pulled himself to his feet. Krysty handed Doc the
sil-ver lion's-head swordstick, and he began to hobble around.
"Funny seeing Doc use stick for walking 'stead of sticking," Jak commented.
"Good as new?" Krysty asked hopefully.
"Not hardly, but I am not ready for the scrap heap of the broken-down bodies
and minds of the elder folks' home as of yet, madam," Doc replied, balanc-ing
himself carefully and holding up his injured ankle. "The good Dr. Wyeth has
managed to patch my hide yet again, and for that, I am grateful."
J.B. was peering around the grassy jungle. He turned and waved Ryan over to
where he was stand-ing.
"See something?" Ryan asked, holding his blaster in a defensive position.
"Through this murk?" J.B. replied sourly, taking off his glasses and glaring
down at the rain-streaked lenses. "Not much. Glad we're not under attack by
some marauders right now. Chopping up mutie leeches under my nose is one
thing, but
I'd hate to have to try and aim my blaster at something smaller than a
barnyard door."
"So, what did you want?" Ryan said. "You're fac-ing in the wrong direction. I
don't feel like backtrack-ing."
"Glance over there to the right, back a little from where we came," the
Armorer replied. "I can't be sure without my glasses, but I believe there's a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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