, Fate My Blood Approves_Book 2 Amanda Hocking 

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 Have a good time tonight, Jack interjected, carefully putting himself between her and Milo. She
was going to go in for a hug, and it was still too soon for Milo to handle something like that.
 Oh, I will. Mom gingerly touched her hair, taken back by Jack s interruption, and unable to figure
out how to rectify it. She smiled at him, and then turned to me, returning to her usual scowl.  You.
We ll talk later.
 Looking forward to it, I lied.
 Yeah, I m sure you are, Mom muttered, and then walked out of the apartment.
After she was gone, I tried not to think about how tremendously sad that was. That was the last
time Milo was ever going to see his mother, and he couldn t even hug her good-bye. She hadn t
always been the greatest mom and spent most of her time anywhere but home, but she was still
our mother. She loved us the best she could, and she deserved a better good-bye than that.
 Oh, hell, Jack exhaled shakily once she had left, and I saw his whole body relax.  You ve gotta
get that under control.
 I m trying! Milo insisted.  But it wasn t my fault! You saw the way she as fawning all over you-
His voice turned into a low snarl, and Jack held up a hand to stop him.
 Yeah, I was there, but seriously! He shook his head in disbelief.  Milo! You can t be like that!
 Be like what? I asked, confused. I had assumed that tension had been all about Milo being
hungry and unable to control bloodlust, but I didn t understand why it would be solely directed at
our mother. That was a little disgusting, actually.
 Nothing, Milo mumbled sheepishly.
 Go pack up the rest of your stuff. Jack gestured too his room tiredly.  Let s get out of here
before you do something really stupid.
 Sorry, Milo apologized and slunk off to his room.
Once he was gone, I whirled on Jack, and whispered fiercely,  What was that about? What s
going on?
 Remember how things were complicated before? Jack asked, shooting a glance over his
shoulder to make sure that Milo was out of earshot.  Well, they just got a whole lot worse.
 What are you talking about? I narrowed my eyes at him, trying imagine how things could get any
worse than they already had.
 Milo is jealous, Jack explained quietly.
 Of what? I shook my head, uncomprehending.
 Well&  Jack scratched the back of his head and sighed.  Everyone who interacts with me.
 What? I leaned back and tried to put it together.
 Okay see& the thing is, vampires bond with whoever turns them, Jack elaborated, his blue
eyes swimming with apologies.  I told you about how close I was to Peter and Ezra because we
shared the same blood. We re part of the same person, almost. Well& so now since Milo drank
my blood, we re really bonded.
And it s a little different than it was with Peter or Ezra because& apparently, Milo had a crush on
me before he turned. And with the bonding, that s suddenly intensified.
 You ve got to be fucking kidding me. My arms had been crossed on my chest, but they just fell
to my side.  Holy hell. First your brother, now my brother. It s like this whole thing is completely
 No, no, it s not like with Peter, Jack shook his head.  It s not like that at all. I mean, I don t
reciprocate his feelings at all. He s like a brother to me, and that s all. And this is just new. My
blood is still fresh, and he doesn t have a handle on any of his emotions. This ll fade. With time.
 How much time? I demanded.
 The thing is& there s so much uncharted territory with you, Jack tried to explain, but I just
laughed hollowly and shook my head.
 You don t know. You don t even know if it will fade. This is all assumptions. Everything about our
relationship is assumptions! I snapped.
 Shh! Jack looked nervously back at Milo s room, but when he didn t come out, he turned back to
 No, the bond does fade. Okay? When I first turned, it was like hero worship with me and Peter.
And as you can tell by my immense hatred for him, that changed.
 That was like sixteen years ago! I insisted dubiously.  Do you really plan on waiting for sixteen
years for this?
 No, it ll stop sooner. I can t say with any certainty the time frame, because it varies vampire to
vampire, but you know, I really don t think it was that long with Peter and I.
 Whatever, I rolled my eyes.  Milo will stop. Peter will stop. Everything will stop. And one day, it ll
be happily ever after. But instead of things getting better, more stuff just keeps piling up on top of
 You know what the problem is? You re looking at this all with mortal eyes, Jack decided.  You
seem time finitely, and that s not the case. This will take time, but we have time.
 No, no. You have time. Because the last time I checked- I stopped and held my fingers to my
 Yep. That s a pulse. That s mortal blood in these veins, Jack. I m not a damn vampire.
 Yeah, now. But this is just temporary, Jack assured me. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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