, Simon Aronson Memories Are Made of This 

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start you on your way, but this theoretical discussion has been largely free of  presentation. Such
an omission is permissible in an Introduction whose goal is to give you just the bare bones, but I
wouldn t want anyone to come away from this Introduction thinking that good memorized deck magic
consists of just  adventures of the props or merely finding a card under challenge conditions.
Memorized deck magic, like any other area of magic, needs interesting plots, entertaining patter,
surprise and camouflage, to build upon the bald skeletons we ve unearthed so far. I hope the
concepts and principles are intriguing and inspiring for you to work on, but please try to give them a
presentation they deserve and one that will help your audiences enjoy and remember the miracles
you re performing.
18 " Simon Aronson s
Appendix A
Bibliography of Simon Aronson s Writings
on Memorized Deck Magic
(as of May 2002)
Key to Publications:
KAB = Kabbala (the Simon Aronson issue, April 1973)
CI = The Card Ideas of Simon Aronson (1978)
STR = A Stack to Remember (1979)
SB = Shuffle-bored (1980)
AA = The Aronson Approach (1990)
BTP = Bound to Please (1994) (a compilation of Aronson's early works, including
KAB, CI, STR, SB and other items)
SS = Simply Simon (1995)
TII = Try the Impossible (2001)
General Observations on the Memorized Deck (CI p. 88, BTP p. 84)
Memorized Math (AA p. 113)
The Open Index (SS p. 222)
Some People Think (KAB p. 57, BTP p. 3)
Lie Sleuth (KAB p. 58, BTP p. 5)
Group Shuffle (KAB p. 59, BTP p. 8)
Two Card  No Touch Location (CI p. 95, BTP p. 88)
Four Stop Intersection (CI p. 100, BTP p. 92)
Histed Heisted (CI p. 104, BTP p. 95)
S-D Plus (CI p. 111, BTP p. 100)
Center Cut Location (CI p. 117, BTP p. 105)
Shuffle-bored (memorized deck applications) (SB p. 14ff, BTP p. 160ff)
Bait and Switch (AA p. 85)
Any Card, Then Any Number (AA p. 93)
Four Part Harmony (AA p. 101)
Past-Present-Future (SS p. 153)
Lazy Memory (SS p. 162)
Everybody's Lazy (SS p. 167)
Two Wrongs Make It Right (SS p. 173)
Taking Advantage of One's Position (SS p. 179)
Self-Centered (SS p. 187)
Madness in Our Methods (SS p. 194)
Topsy Turvy (SS p. 203)
High Class Location (SS p. 216)
Twice as Hard (TII p. 46)
Two Beginnings (TII p. 171)
The Invisible Card (TII p. 175)
Introduction to Memorized Deck Magic " 19
The Aronson Stack
In A Stack to Remember (as reprinted in full in BTP, with new 1994 notes):
The Aronson Stack
Features of the Aronson Stack:
Draw Poker Deal
Stud Poker Deal
Ten Card Poker Deal
Poker Routines
Perfect Bridge Hand
Any Poker Hand Called For
Mental Spell Pocket Deck Switch
Small Packet Trick Pocket Deck Switch
Blackjack Demonstration
Memorizing the Aronson Stack
In  Unpacking the Aronson Stack (a chapter in TII, pp. 193  266):
Introduction: Stalking the Stack
Aces Awry (Producing the Aces)
Four on a Match (Producing the Fours)
Jack Coincidence (Producing the Jacks)
The Mind Reading Deck, Part 6 (Producing the Sixes)
The Mind Reading Deck, Part 9 (Producing the Nines)
The Mind Reading Deck, Part 7 (Producing the Sevens)
Two by Four (Producing the Twos)
Fit Four a King (Producing the Kings)
Joshing With The Threes (Producing the Threes)
Routine Maintenance (Poker Deal Restoration)
Truth-Sayer (Four Lie Detector sequences)
Deal and Duck Poker
Reciprocal Spell Pairs
Threespell (using UnDo Influence)
Built for Two (using UnDo Influence)
Triple Trick Tip
Sequence Spells
 The Aronson Stack Makes Good, MAGIC magazine (April 2002), p. 79
Additional effects specific to the Aronson stack are described on the Aronson Stack Page, at
20 " Simon Aronson s
Appendix B
1-JS 14-KD 27-5D 40-3C
2-KC 15-7D 28-7C 41-2S
3-5C 16-8C 29-4H 42-9H
4-2H 17-3S 30-KH 43-KS
5-9S 18-AD 31-4D 44-6S
6-AS 19-7S 32-10D 45-4C
7-3H 20-5S 33-JC 46-8H
8-6C 21-QD 34-JH 47-9C
9-8D 22-AH 35-10C 48-QS
10-AC 23-8S 36-JD 49-6D
11-10S 24-3D 37-4S 50-QC
12-5H 25-7H 38-10H 51-2C
13-2D 26-QH 39-6H 52-9D
If you take a deck and arrange it in Aronson stack order and ribbon spread it face up in front of you,
you'll see that it looks simply like a well-shuffled, randomized deck; no particular value, suit or color
grouping jumps out at you. Table 2 presents the same stack, this time arranged by the suits and
values of the cards; you'll see that still no particular numerical arrangement is apparent.
AC-10 AH-22 AS-6 AD-18
2C-51 2H-4 2S-41 2D-13
3C-40 3H-7 3S-17 3D-24
4C-45 4H-29 4S-37 4D-31
5C-3 5H-12 5S-20 5D-27
6C-8 6H-39 6S-44 6D-49
7C-28 7H-25 7S-19 7D-15
8C-16 8H-46 8S-23 8D-9
9C-47 9H-42 9S-5 9D-52
1OC-35 1OH-38 10S-11 1OD-32
JC-33 JH-34 JS-1 JD-36
QC-50 QH-26 QS-48 QD-21
KC-2 KH-30 KS-43 KD-14 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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