, LE Modesitt Recluce 06 Fall of Angels (v1.5) 

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 They ll cost us far more than that if the locals get their hands on them.
We can trade any of the captured blades, but that s it.
 How much are those armsmen s blades worth? Nylan asked Narliat.
 Whatever Skiodra will pay. Nylan gave the smaller man a sharp look.
Narliat stepped back a pace, then stammered.  That is true, but the worst of
them would have cost Lord Nessil nearly a gold.
 Good. That should help.
 Let s go. We ll leave our pile of trading goods here. Ryba fingered the
leather pouch at her waist that contained almost all their local coins.
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The six walked slowly down to the banner.  Where do we stop? Ayrlyn hissed
to Narliat. Her eyes flashed blue.
 A dozen paces this side.
As the six angels stopped, eight of the traders stepped forward, leaving
perhaps a dozen men with the horses and the four carts.
The traders stopped on the far side of the banner. For a moment, the only
sound was that of the wind, and the faintest dink of harness chains from the
traders cart horses below. After another moment, the biggest trader, wearing
a huge blade like the one Gerlich bore, and a breastplate, stepped forward
another two paces.  I am Skiodra, he declaimed in Old Anglorat with an
unknown accent so thick that Nylan could barely follow the simple declaration.
 You wish to trade? Skiodra inclined his head to Gerlich, the biggest man in
the angel group.
Before Gerlich could speak, Nylan stepped forward and smiled politely at
the bandit-trader.  Yes. Then he gestured to Ryba.  This is Ryba&  He groped
for the Old Anglo-rat word, and added,  Our marshal& leader.
Skiodra squinted slightly. One of the traders behind Skiodra, with a bushy
blond beard, grinned broadly.
 And you do not let anyone else do the speaking, O Mage?
Mage? Nylan certainly hadn t thought of himself as a mage, especially with
a blade in an ill-fitting scabbard strapped around his waist.
 Pardon&  Narliat cleared his throat and looked at Ayrlyn and then Nylan.
Nylan nodded.
Skiodra s eyes flicked to the splint on Narliat s leg and to the ruined
hand. The blond man behind him continued to grin.
 Honored Skiodra, began the armsman from Lornth,  best you and your men
tread lightly with your laughter. Lord Nessil did not, and he lies under a
pile of rocks above the cliff. Even his wizard could not save him. The&
marshal -he struggled with the unfamiliar word- hurled one of those angel
blades through his breastplate. Never in my years as an armsman, never have I
seen anything more terrible.
 You may not have seen much, suggested Skiodra, before looking past
Narliat to Nylan and then Gerlich.  Can she not speak for herself?
 I& speak&  answered Ryba in Anglorat,  but not your words well.
 How do we know you speak the truth? asked Skiodra.  This& minion& speaks
well, but fine words are not truth. Nor do they buy goods.
 Does that matter? asked Nylan.  You are traders. We would trade. If you
insist&  He shrugged and turned to Gerlich.  Take out that crowbar, slowly,
and show it to him& 
A thin trader with a scar on his face and a mail vest showing through a
tattered tunic scowled at the word  crowbar.
As Gerlich extended the hand - and - a - half blade, Skiodra s eyes
 That& it is a great blade, he admitted.
 Put it away, commanded Ryba.  Just be ready. Without letting her eyes
leave Skiodra, she said in an even voice to Nylan,  Tell him that he s dead
meat if he tries anything funny, but that we can probably make him some
credits or whatever they call it.
 You understand that, Narliat? asked Nylan.
 Yes, ser. Narliat cleared his throat.  Most skillful trader& you have
seen Lord Nessil s great blade. Lord Nessil came here with threescore armsmen.
A dozen or less escaped with their lives& 
 Why do you speak for them?
Narliat looked down at the splint and raised his ruined hand.  What else
would you have me do? They are angels, and who with wits would cross them?
 I see no angels.
Ryba stepped back and raised her hand.
A single flare of light flashed, and the top of the pole and the trading
banner that had flown from it vanished. A few ash fragments drifted down
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around the Candarian traders.
Nylan tried not to wince at the power used in that quick burst.
Narliat gulped, but cleared his throat.  I did say they were angels. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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