, Rampa Lobsang Feeding the Flame 

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view. That means that Mr. Brown must make a definite in-
quiry as to who will do the interviewing. Then if it is at all
possible he will get a photograph of the interviewer, and
before going to bed that night Mr. Brown will sit quite alone
and he will visualize himself talking to the interviewer on
the morrow. Mr. Brown will convincingly state (in the priv-
acy of his bedroom) the reasons why he would be a desirable
employee, the reasons why he needs that particular ap-
pointment, the reasons why he considers he is worth more
than the firm normally pays. He says all this to the photo-
graph, then he lifts up his feet and tucks them in bed, and he
puts the photograph so that it is facing him as he lies on his
accustomed side.
Mr. Brown goes to sleep with the firm, very definite, very
emphatic intention of getting out of his body and journeying
to Mr. Interviewer's house. There he will meet Mr. Inter-
viewer out of his body, and Mr. Brown's astral will tell Mr.
Interviewer's astral all that Mr. Brown has just said in the
privacy of his bedroom.
Fantastic? Daft? Don't you believe it! This really works.
If the Interviewee (I hope that is right; it means the one
who is going to be interviewed) plays his cards properly, then
the interviewer will give him the job. That is sure, that is
definite, it really works.
Now, you who want a better job or more money, go
through those words again and put them into practice. You
can influence people in this way, but not necessarily for bad.
You cannot influence a person to do that which he or she
would not normally do, that is, you cannot influence a
person to do an evil or wrong act, which means that some of
you fellows who write in to me asking how to get power over
girls well, you can't friend, you can't, and don't try.
Yes, innocent readers, ladies of high degree and of the
utmost purity, I sometimes get letters from  gentlemen who
ask me to teach them to hypnotize girls or to put spells on
girls or to produce the formula of something which will
render girls helpless so that the  gentleman  well, what
would he do under such circumstances? Anyway, I tell them
the truth which is that unless they go in for poisoning they
cannot influence another person to do that which the other
person's conscience would not normally permit. So there you
are. If your desires are pure or  clean , then you can influence
others, you can influence others to do good but not to do
bad. Most people don't need influencing to do bad anyhow;
it seems to come natural.
It might be as well here to introduce a question having
bearing on some of the remarks made in previous chapters.
The question is:
 You say that people come to this Earth time after time
until the person concerned does his specific task. You also
say that at times groups of people come for the same pur-
pose. Can you give any definite illustration on that point?
As a matter of fact yes, quite definitely, yes. Now, I had
a cutting some time ago in the Spanish language, and this
Spanish language thing gave a lot of details about a maga-
zine called Excalibur which had been published some years
ago, apparently, in Durban, South Africa. I have only a
very, very brief comment on the whole matter, but it seems
the magazine published some remarkable proven parallels
between the life and death of President Lincoln of the
U.S.A. and President Kennedy of the U.S.A. This will so
adequately reply to many querents that I will give all the
details here. Let us do them numerically as then it will be so
mueh easier if you want to refer to them or discuss them
with your friends. So here the first one is:
1. President Lincoln was elected to that Office in the year
1860. That, of course, can be ascertained from history books.
So  Lincoln became President in 1860, and here is the first
coincidence; Kennedy became President in 1960, a hundred
years later.
2. It might shake you to know that President Lincoln was
assassinated on a Friday. President Kennedy was as-
sassinated on a Friday.
3. You may have read that President Lincoln was at a
theatre enjoying a stage show in the presence of his wife, and
he was then assassinated in the presence of his wife. Presi-
dent Kennedy was visiting Dallas, Texas, and he was riding
in a car with his wife. He also was enjoying the show, that is,
the show of public acclaim, etc.
4. President Lincoln was shot in the back while sitting in a
box at the theatre. President Kennedy was shot in the back
while sitting in a car.
5. President Lincoln was succeeded by a man called John-
son. Johnson became President after President Lincoln, but
in Texas President Kennedy was killed and Vice-President
Johnson was sworn in as President of the U.S.A. on board an
aircraft bringing the body of the late President and the
living new President back to the capital.
6. But we have not finished with our list of coincidences,
yet, not by a long way. The Johnson who succeeded Presi-
dent Lincoln was a Democrat from South U.S.A., and
Lyndon Johnson who succeeded President Kennedy also is a
Democrat from the South - from Texas. So that is quite a
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