, Hardy Boys Case 04 The Lazarus Plot 

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Digging in the hole next to Frank, Joe was thinking the same thing. There had to be a
way out. But all he could see was the dirt on his shovel. The dirt that soon would be
shoveled back over him.
Then both Hardy boys heard the words they were dreading.
"Okay, boys, you've dug enough," said Jacques, motioning with his rifle for them to
 I thought graves were supposed to be at least six feet deep," said Frank. "This one is
barely up to my waist."
"Still stalling for time, I see," said Henri. "Well, we don't have any more time to waste.
We have to cut out of here for Quebec quickly, the minute we're finished with you. And
these holes are plenty deep enough."
. Jacques nodded in agreement. "They will not have to hold you standing up. You
most certainly will be lying down," he said.
"And nobody is going to come digging for you here," said Henri.
"So goodbye, Hardy boys," said Jacques, taking aim with his rifle.
"Let me dig just one more shovelful to even out the bottom. 1 always like to do a job
right, even if it's the last job I ever do," said Frank.
He didn't dare look at Joe. He could only hope that his brother picked up on his
Joe didn't dare look at Frank. He could only hope that he was hearing his brother
The Hardys looked at the two Assassins and felt a surge of relief when Jacques
shrugged and nodded, and then Henri shrugged in accord.
Instantly the Hardys turned to the work at hand. They took firm holds on their
shovels, turned, bent down, and dug deep into the black earth. Then they straightened up,
with their shovels carrying full loads.
"Maybe you will be rewarded for your labors. Maybe they will plant roses over you so
that your blood will nourish beautiful blossoms. You will become what in the sixties they
used to call
flower children," said Henri, chuckling at his own grisly joke.
"It's a pity this has to end so fast-playing cat and mouse with you has been fun," added
Jacques, smiling, too.
"Yeah, a pity," said Frank. "I'd much rather be the one who has the last laugh."
Praying that Joe interpreted his raised voice as a cue, Frank flung his shovelful of dirt
at Jacques, who was nearest to him.
His prayer was answered.
Joe's shovelful of dirt smacked Henri in the face at the same moment that Frank's hit
Both Hardy boys followed up instantly, coming out of their holes with raised shovels.
They smashed the shovels down on the Assassins' skulls with equal force-and with equal
Frank and Joe stood side by side, catching their breath and looking down at the two
knocked-out killers at their' feet.
"Good thinking," Joe said.
"Good thinking yourself," replied Frank.
"Now what?" asked Joe.
"Now we have to move fast," said Frank. "We have to catch up with our doubles, and
that'll be hard. We can be sure that they've already checked out the information about the
Network connection; otherwise the clinic wouldn't have decided that they were finished
with us. I wonder how long we were knocked out."
Joe bent down and took a watch off Henri's limp wrist. As he had hoped, it was a
calendar watch. "We've been out for a whole day," he said. "No wonder I'm starved."
Then he grinned and added, "Of course, action like this always gives me an appetite.
What I'd do for a burger and some fries right now. Or maybe a double thick shake."
"You'll have to forget about food," said Frank. "We have to figure out what to do with
these two bozos. Then we have to figure out how to escape."
Joe looked down at the two Assassins. "I've got an idea. They were talking about
planting bombs. Instead, we'll plant them."
Frank nodded, "Right. But before we do, let's change clothes with Jacques and Henri.
That way we might be able to get past any guards at the gate, which will save us the time
of trying to tunnel under the fence. And we need to save all the time we can."
"Let's get to work on these holes," said Joe, grabbing his shovel again.
Twenty minutes later, Joe and Frank were in the Assassins' hunting clothes, and the
Assassins were in the Hardy boys sweat suits. The two killers, bound and gagged, were
also in dirt up to their necks. . All they could do to express their feelings was make faint
noises while their eyes bulged with fury.
"Bye now," said Joe, picking up one of their
rifles. "I hope this doesn't get you in trouble with your bosses. I'd hate to think of you
spending the next few years cleaning dirty weapons and stuff like that."
"I hope the guards at the gate don't check us too closely," said Frank, picking up the
other rifle. "I don't want to have to shoot my way out of any tight spots."
"Risk is the name of the game," said Joe cheerfully as he headed toward the gate.
For what seemed like the millionth time in their adventures, Frank had to shake his
head at his brother's enthusiasm for taking on danger.
On the other hand, Frank had to admit to himself, life would be pretty dull without the
kick of overcoming odds.
For instance, when they reached the gate and gave the guard stationed there a casual [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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