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came and treated the& Don t say sickness, Shane snapped. You, I m afraid, are the damaged one, not us. There were no aliens, Caden. We did it to ourselves. Some people suddenly wanted power, so they found a vaccine which would neuter shifters, force them into male or female form, and socialise us into rigid scripts, and make us homophobic. Caden narrowed his eyes. That s ridiculous. The aliens recognized some abnormality and& it was in the atmosphere. They said that& You ve been lied to, darling. Cameron touched his hair. And you know it, deep down, as do those desperate souls lost in the inner city. You felt it when we touched you, when we fucked you. It s the only way we have to connect our brethren from Gender X with their true& Stop, he said softly. Cameron stood up. She motioned to Shane. Let him rest now. I ll go and pick up Hart. Shane nodded, indicating that they should lower Caden s legs. Cameron agreed and in a few minutes, Caden s legs were once again spread wide and hooked to the bed posts, rather than 104 The Sexshifters - book 2 being suspended in mid-air. Caden barely noticed. He was being pulled into a gentle and dreamed filled sleep. * * * * Hart said his goodbyes to Delica and followed Cameron to the vehicle. Cameron waved to the female, and pushed the automatic controls to steer them home. Hart held his breath. He kept his eyes on Cameron, who was dressed casually in a pale pink mini-skirt and a floral blouse which dipped open to show a healthy amount of cleavage. He was dying to ask her for details but he didn t dare. When the vehicle stopped in front of the little house, Cameron turned to him. We re not sure how it went. What do you mean? He fought us at first of course, and his body responded, but I m not sure he is convinced of what he truly is. He seems very resistant to the& She paused. We re thinking maybe you can do the rest. Me? His eyes opened. He s probably very angry with me right now. She giggled. That could be, but he s still tied up so there s little he can do about it. His bark is much worse than his bite. 105 D. J. Manly Hart grinned. I suppose. What should I do? Follow your instincts. She got out of the vehicle and walked into the house. Shane was lying on the sofa, half asleep, dressed in jeans and an oversized t-shirt. Cameron motioned to him. Come on. Let s go for a ride, handsome. Shane got up off the sofa and stretched. He glanced at Hart, then reached out and touched his shoulder. Your turn, he said, and followed Cameron outside. * * * * Hart stood tentatively in front of the bedroom door. It wasn t fear which held him back. He had never been afraid of Caden, even when he wasn t tied down. Never once had he ever imagined that Caden would hurt him, at least not physically. But he could hurt him in far worse ways; destroy him even, with his words, with his rejection. He didn t know why or how he had fallen in love with Caden Wolff, he just knew he had, and that love couldn t be denied from the first moment Caden had touched him. Hart sucked in some breath, and pushed the door open. He took one step, then two, landing him in the room just inside the door. * * * * Cameron walked along the edge of the small 106 The Sexshifters - book 2 settlement, her hand in Shane s. Shane looked deep in thought as he looked out at the purple horizon. You ever get tired? Sure, she said. Everyone gets& No, that s not what I mean, Shane replied, releasing her hand and sinking down to the ground. He sat, stretching his long legs out in the grahay, which was a course grass-like substance which grew wild on the planet. I mean, do you ever get tired of trying to convince people of the truth? She sighed. Sometimes, she said, sitting down beside him. Usually, we re successful. But what does it& I mean, in the end, does it matter? It does for the people we reach. And they reach others, re-educate others. But don t you feel burdened with it all? She reached out for his hand. Yes, but when it works, I have such a sense of happiness& accomplishment. And we do it together and sometimes& most of the time, it s fun. Didn t you enjoy yourself with Caden Wolff today? She lifted an eyebrow, and began to undo the buttons of her blouse. Shane watched as her full breasts came into view. She tweaked her soft brown nipples. Instantly they hardened, becoming diamond nubs of need. I want some beautiful breasts to play 107 D. J. Manly with, she whispered, placing her tongue in Shane s ear. Shane closed his eyes and began to shift, allowing his female form to immerge as he reached out and rolled his thumb over one of her nipples. She moaned, straddling Shane now, pulling the t-shirt over her head, exposing her smaller, yet beautiful tits with their already hard stiff peaks. Cameron grabbed both of Shane s palm-sized breasts in her hands and kneaded them, moving her fingers over the hard nipples at the same time. Shane let her head go back, a tongue smoothing over her lips. Cameron moved her large breasts forward, one hand on Shane s neck now she pressed her head towards one nipple. Suck it, she urged. Lick it. Make it ache. Shane immediately flicked her tongue over Cameron s right nipple, moaning as Cameron captured both of her nipples in between two fingers and tugged. God, I wish I had clamps, Cameron moaned, as Shane sucked more of her tit into her mouth. I d love to bind your breasts right now, torment your nipples until you screamed. Shane transferred her mouth to Cameron s left breast, uttering another deep moan as he felt her redouble her efforts to torment her nipples. They are so hard, Cameron moaned, licking 108 The Sexshifters - book 2 one then the other. I love their shape, so firm. I love yours, Shane said, pinching both of her nipples hard. They re so big, and they move and bounce and God& you turn me on. I want to fuck you, Shane breathed, desperate to undo the fastenings on her jeans as Cameron got up and slid her mini-skirt down over her hips. Shane got up on her knees and began to suck and lick her engorged clit. Oh shit, stop, Cameron moaned. Look at me. I m wet. I m ready. She dropped to her knees, then fell back on her ass in the grahay, spreading her thighs. She looked in Shane s eyes. Grow a cock already, darling, and take me for a ride. * * * * Hart inched closer to the bed. He could hardly breathe. Caden lay there spread eagle, completely naked. Lust took hold of him so tight that he almost bolted and ran. He felt his balls tighten in his pants. He literally felt himself begin to salivate. Caden. He had no right to touch him. He was a lowly shifter& a defunct one at that, and Caden was& well he was& everything. His hand trembled suddenly as he reached out and lightly brushed his fingertips against the flushed hollow of his cheek. Caden moaned slightly in his sleep, and Hart 109 D. J. Manly jumped back a little. He held his breath as Caden s eyes fluttered open and he looked at him in the semi-darkness of the room. Hart, he managed, his voice struggling to come out of its sleepiness. Cadan, I m sorry, he whispered. What? I m sorry, he said, raising his voice an octave. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |